I’ll Visit an Image Consultant When I Lose Weight

Do you sometimes go to a local coffee shop? Look around this café. Do they have mismatched tables and chairs? Or chipped cups?

Do they serve you instant coffee and cheap biscuits? Bet you wouldn’t go back if they did. They don’t say ‘I’m not as good as the big coffee chain so I’ll just accept being second-rate.’ No, they create their own individual image and be the best coffee shop they can be.

So why are you making excuses?

How serious are you about losing weight? Have you started your program to lose weight? Or is it something you talk about but never do? Is it weight you want to lose or your figure shape you want back. Either create a new body shape program or learn to accept yourself as you are. Your choice.

Distract Attention away from your Body – Take the attention off your body shape and on to other parts of you. Draw attention to your face by getting a more modern hairstyle. Wear interesting shoes as they lift your spirits and start lots of ‘I love your shoes’ conversations. Or wear an unusual handbag.

Change Your Body Shape Instantly – The simplest instant slimming technique is to wear nice clothes that have some gentle shaping to them. Shape your boxy clothes to skim your body. Don’t safety pin the seams. Get serious. Take them in or have them professionally altered. Make a commitment and see how good it feels.

Change Your Focus – While you are losing weight take the opportunity to focus not on your weight but on learning new skills for a life-long commitment to looking your best. Invest in yourself and learn from everyone you can. Learn to sew, enrol in a healthy cooking class or learn what colours and shapes suit you.

Overcome the Cost Factor – If money is tight, start by borrowing library books, browsing discount bookshops or attending low-cost image workshops. Learn and practise simple tips and tricks first. And when the time is right for you, pay a good Image Teacher to show you how to do more to make the most of your individuality.

It’s time now to turn your good intentions into actions.

Those in your circle of influence want to know who you truly are. So whether you decide to lose weight or accept yourself as you are, start today practising new skills because you deserve to look nice every day.

(Article sent to subscribers of The Fashion Translator eZine’ on 26 March 2010. Click here to sign up for The Fashion Translator eZine.)

The New Me. Who is She?

Intimo Pink Wrap JacketYou’ve made the decision. You have stopped the excuses. You have faced your embarrassment. You have dropped weight and are well on your way to your target goal weight.

And you are scared. Who is this new woman that is emerging from under the protective layers of weight? There’s less of you weight wise but more of you emotional wise that is being exposed. With less weight, people notice and compliment you more. How is the new you going to dress?

Dropping weight means changing your mindset and dressing habits. Here’s three dressing tips to help you dress for the new you with a changing body shape.

Your Covering Changes not Your Basic Body Shape

Many women believe that when they drop weight, they can move from a large, rounded apple shape to an hourglass. That is not true.

Your basic body shape is determined by your bones and the width of your shoulders. They do not change. Only your covering over them is changing. As you drop weight, your true body shape will be revealed and be more defined. Now is the time to become excited about who you really are.

Look at your younger, slimmer photos to determine your body shape. Read articles/books on Body Shapes and how to dress for yours. Pay $99 and go online to http://www.yourfuturedirection.myprivatestylist.com/ to work out
your Body Shape and find out what styles suit you now and forever. Or send me an email for a private Body Shape Session.

Styles that Work for all Body Shapes

Crossover tops and jackets are great for changing body shapes. Choose ones with ties so that you can wrap then tighter as you drop dress sizes. Intimo has a short pink or black wrap (as in the picture) that can be worn seven different ways to expand your wardrobe with one item.

Wrap dresses and shift dresses are in fashion now. Wear them with a self-tie or belt and you can bring it in a few sizes as you slim down Tops, shirts and dresses with a princess line from the shoulder flatter all body shapes. Take the side seams in as you get smaller. Clothes that skim your body make you feel good and bit by bit overcome the ‘I’m still fat’ mentality.

Classic or Cheap & Cheerful

Your call! Both do the job. You can go to shops that sell classic styles in good quality fabrics and price. If necessary, have them altered to fit. Alternatively go to Target, DFO, Trade Secret and other discount or boutique stores with cheaper, fashionable clothes. Try the second-chance or charity shops. It’s all in how you wear it and not necessarily the price.

Do buy new clothes and new underwear. Waiting until you reach your magic goal weigh is denying yourself the pleasure of the journey. Tell yourself you are worth the effort and cost of looking nice whatever your weight and size.

Magic Tip:  Raise your skirts and show some leg. Best choice is just below the knee. Second best is just below the widest part of your calf. Add nice shoes. People will love the new you because you are doing what many women are scared to do – show sexy legs. Yes, we all have them.

Discover the new you as you make dropping weight an exciting journey not a punishing chore.